Presidential Public Relations Push

Welcome to the domain of Public Relations! Explore the world of PR, and track the campaigns of past political campaigns involving scandals, re-elections, and other matters. 

When a crisis hits, who do you call? Your lawyer of course. However in today’s image conscious world in which we live, you might also want to call a PR firm. PR has the common misconception of crisis management, but there is more to it. In most cases PR agents work to prevent crisis, and to uphold a positive image perception. In most cases on this blog, PR is used in result of breaking scandals.

This being said, not all PR agents are experts in crisis communications, so in such high-profile cases, it is important to align with someone who is experienced in dealing with highly sensitive, high pressure situations; someone who knows how to handle the media, gauge public opinion, has an understanding of legal terminology and most of all, has experience in damage control.